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Interpersonal Process
Group Psychotherapy
for Queer People

In this psychotherapy group, you will develop relationships with other queer people to learn more about yourself, address problems in your life, and emotionally develop. The group provides space for LGBTQ+-identified people to engage with others in the community and grow psychologically. Group members use the group to discuss their lives and get help addressing emotional and interpersonal challenges. The group makes use of interactions among members to understand their unconscious and habitual ways of relating. Through understanding and new relational experiences, group members learn to make new choices in their relationships and improve their mental health and quality of life.

Overview of Group

Start and End

The group is scheduled to begin in late summer or early fall 2024. The group has no pre-set end -- it can continue for as long as people continue to find it useful and show up. After 6 months, group members decide when they want to leave the group and new members are added upon the departure of old members.

Days & Time

The group is scheduled to meet weekly on Mondays at 6 PM for 90 minutes.


Any queer person is eligible to join. The group is particularly well-suited for people who are (a) interested in understanding themselves better through giving and receiving feedback and (b) want to make a psychological and/or interpersonal change in their life.

Time Commitment

Members are asked to make an initial commitment to regular weekly attendance for 6 months. Because this type of group psychotherapy produces change through the relationships developed by group members, positive effects of group do not usually begin to be felt until 6 months. A 6 month commitment allows stability for the group as well, making it easier to develop more trusting, intimate relationships. Members typically continue with the group for longer than 6 months and terminate when they see fit. Members are asked to give 1 month notice prior to terminating to allow time to process the member's departure and say goodbye.


Contact Me

If you are interested in joining this group, please reach out today to schedule a consultation. 

Thanks for submitting!

Office Location

1700 W Irving Park Rd

Suite 305B

Chicago, IL 60613

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